Take a look at our white board notes from a recent company-wide meeting. Our agenda was simple: discuss the little things – or “soft touches” – our company members do every day to take care of our customers.
We asked our whole team to attend this little lunch meeting, and we asked them to list things they routinely do to lessen our customers’ anxiety while their projects are underway. We came up with quite a list. And we found that we do most of these things just because they are the right things to do. When you hire nice people, this kind of serendipitous “good stuff” happens.
Here is a sampling of our findings:
When we design your project, we get you the biggest bang for your buck. Maybe it’s the faucet that’s half the price of the name-brand model but just as beautiful, or maybe we just tripled your living room storage space for you with some well-designed bookcases.
We use well-tested, beautiful materials, and we build it right. We don’t build projects that will look dated in a year or two, or that will clash your home’s style.
Most of the expensive things and much of the care go on behind the scenes. We make sure your toilet has structure under it, and that your wires are run properly. We make sure your vapor barrier is tight. We’ve been using cement board behind shower walls since the ‘80s. You wouldn’t know that because you can’t see it. Aren’t you glad we told you?
We have spent the last decade creating a great process where we learn your dreams and wishes, as well as your budgetary comfort zone, and then we put together the plan and build it lickety-split. All renovations are stressful, but ours are much less so because they’re well orchestrated. In fact, our customers are so relaxed about their projects that they’ve been known to take a nap or even a vacation while we get the jobs done.
All of our team members are nice. Think about that. Do you want people who are anything but nice in your house?
If we are running your project, you are not going to hear loud radios or curse words, and you won’t smell cigarette smoke. Our crews are such neatniks that they even clean their designated bathroom themselves. In fact, a client once observed that we had a “women’s job-site” because we had clean towels, toilet paper and soap in the designated-use bathroom. Makes you wonder about those other contractors when you hear stuff like that.
While the projects we take on are often large, elaborate and very expensive, it’s often the little things that make the most difference.