The Mindset of Custom Renovation

The average first-time buyer of a custom home renovation typically has to adjust their expectations about some aspect of the process. Why is this true? Nowadays, most people aren’t used to buying anything that is truly “custom made.” Most of us don’t hire tailors to make our suits, shirts, or dresses. We don’t go to milliners. We don’t have butchers who grind our beef to certain specifications. Even our most expensive cars are “off the rack” with limited options.
How do these points apply to home renovations? The houses we work on are typically 50 to 100 years old and built by a developer who had his own ideas about how homeowners might actually want to live in them. At that time, labor and raw materials were also relatively inexpensive, so houses and other handmade things were comparatively cheaper to build and maintain. Times have changed!
Labor is now very expensive, and truly bespoke projects can take longer than someone unaccustomed to the process would expect. However, we take the time to ensure that we create one-of-a-kind solutions to make each home meet modern standards and mesh with the way the homeowner wants to live. Our clients find that the time and financial investment necessary for the design, management, materials, budget, and labor of a truly custom home renovation project make the result well worth it in the end.