Myers Constructs, Inc., to Present at 2010 Old House Fair
Myers Constructs, Inc., will be on hand at The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia’s 2010 Old House Fair on Saturday, April 3rd, at the Germantown Friends School, located at 31 W. Coulter St., in Philadelphia. (Hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.)
At 1:00 p.m., Myers Constructs, Inc.’s recent customer, Caroline West, will receive a Homeowner Award.
At 2:00 p.m., Tamara Myers, LEED AP and window expert, will host ”Refurbish, Renovate, Replace: A Look at Historic Window Projects,” a presentation on window renovations that preserve the historical integrity of an older home while providing energy savings.
Admission fees for the 2010 Old House Fair are as follows: $10 for general admission, $5 for Preservation Alliance members, and free for children under 18. Contact Amy McCollum, Old House Fair Co-Coordinator, at or 215.546.1146 x7.