Witold Rybczynski on True Green – It’s Easier Than You Thought!
I loved this post! Its true! Restoring older homes, especially homes in dense areas is greener than building new single family homes.
You may not know it but Witold is a resident of Chestnut Hill and teaches at Penn.
Green is not gadgetry or something to apply to your house like siding or a color. Green starts with looking at what you have already and being more efficient. It’s really very easy to do, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot. I increased my own home’s energy efficiency for the month of July ’09 by 70% simply, affordably and without gadgets.
New entryway design for 1957 Flourtown split level. Photo: D. Landry
We help our remodeling customers with issues of efficiency all the time. We help them to be more comfortable and save money running their homes. Call us to help you find energy efficiency in your older Metro Philadelphia home.