Your Home and the “Polar Vortex”

The wild temperature swings we’ve experienced on the East Coast this week really test a house and all of the systems that make it feel comfortable — a place you want to be in, in all kinds of weather. Let’s take a look at a few of them:
Windows — Windows are essentially holes in the walls of your house, so make sure you’ve invested in good ones to keep warmth in, to keep heat and destructive UV rays out, and to block drafts. But a great window, even an expensive one, is only as good as its installation. Modern windows have complicated installation procedures and are rated “not for beginners.”
There are two additions being done in my neighborhood now. One addition looks like a master suite pop up addition to the house’s 2nd floor. Those homeowners really skimped on the windows, by selecting very small vinyl models that don’t add much to the appearance of their house. The other addition is clearly a well designed “craftsman” styled addition/remake of the 1950s rancher hidden inside it. Now on this second project the homeowners are spending $25K or so in windows vs the $2000 in windows my other neighbor is spending, and the effect is striking! The second project looks very put together, and the house will have great light and views. That makes the better windows a better investment even though they cost a lot more.
One tip: Most builders order windows that sit on the surface of the house by way of “nailing flanges.” A great higher end window will sit in the window well and have an integrated trim detail to add architectural interest to the house. These are harder to order and install well but look much better.
Basements — Flooding can be a particular concern when the ground is frozen or has ice on top of it, and then the rain runs over the hard surface to the house where it will enter window wells (because the snow/ground/ice is higher than the wells) or even enter through the foundation. This can happen any time of year, and typically it comes from poor grading work we see, caused by improperly mulched planting beds too close to the house. Be sure to hire a good landscaping pro who knows how to grade your yard and maintain proper grading while working on your yard. Alternately, if you do your own gardening work, learn how to manage your grading.
A great thing to do is install a “weep drain” around the house to collect rain water run off into a cistern. You can then use the cistern water to pump water to the garden during growing seasons, instead of paying for potable water here, and this system slows run off and erosion in your yard.
Roofing and Siding — Properly installed, quality roofing and siding should hold up to even the high winds we’ve experienced over the last couple of days. Typically, if you are losing shingles or siding pieces, it’s because they weren’t installed properly. Check the warranty on the work, and contact your installer to rectify the situation.
Walkways — Standing water on walkways can come from clogged gutters or other failed drainage systems. When temps drop, this water turns to ice — a danger to your family and visitors alike. But ice is tough because you can’t always see it. Check the drainage of your patio or walkway to make sure water is clearing properly — and try to stay ahead of the game by salting walking paths before ice forms.
Have a safe week, and stay warm. As always, call us if we can help with any of your home’s needs.
Related reading: Water Damage: Un-Sexy Yet Vital Repairs
Image: Akasped