Taking Control of Your Home Reno Experience
When our company begins any new home renovation project with a client, I ask the homeowners what kind of remodeling experience they want to have. They always look at me[...]
Choosing a Contractor: The Inside Scoop
At our company, I field all the sales calls. This means I spend time on the phone with potential customers. This is where I learn about the projects they’re interested[...]
Doing Your Homework As a Home Improvement Buyer
I recently spoke with a potential client who had a hugely specified project he wanted to build, but an insufficient budget to do so. Here are some things he could[...]
Design to Build = The Better Way to Go
At Myers Constructs, Inc., we use the phrase “Design to Build”™. It is our trademarked remodeling system. You’ve all heard about terrible remodeling projects where the project goes over budget[...]
Your Fantasy Home Projects … We Want to Know!
All of us have home reno projects or "honey do" list items we fantasize about completing. We want to know what yours are. We invite our readers to share their[...]