The Simple Side of Complex Design
Renowned graphic designer Paul Rand once said, “Design is so simple; that's why it is so complicated.” That quote was sent to me this morning by Mark Gisi, principal of[...]
What’s Your Top Renovation Question
Got a top renovation question? Post it in the comments section below, and we'll do our best to answer it.
RIP, Steve Jobs
Rest in peace. Steve Jobs, 1955-2011.
My Beef With Bad Home Design
I regularly drive past a 1950s split-level rancher that is being renovated near my home. At this point, I can see that the addition being built is closed in with[...]
In the News, Part V
Please check out the fifth and final installment in the series featuring Myers Constructs. The topic? Making The Most Of Small Spaces.
Q&A: Vintage 101 (and a Giveaway!)
In follow up to last week’s newsletter, When Vintage Decor Meets Modern Renovation, we sat down with Natalie Rettinger, owner of Media, PA-based vintage furniture boutique Reconsidered Home, for a[...]
In the News, Part II
Myers Constructs is featured on today regarding making older homes more energy efficient. You can see the story here.
Renovation Roundup: Can We Talk?
To kick off the unofficial start of fall, a.k.a. "nesting season," we'd like to try something a little different. Tell us: What's your biggest design dilemma? What's at the top[...]
Part I In a Series: When Vintage Decor Meets Modern Renovation – and a Giveaway!
If you follow our blog regularly, you may already know that we’re doing a long-awaited renovation of the master bedroom suite at our 1950s Sputnik-era split-level rancher in Flourtown. Happily,[...]
Q and A: Checking in With Myers Constructs
As the busy fall home-renovation season kicks off, Myers Constructs co-owner Diane Menke sits down for a chat about breaking traditional design build paradigms, finding paths for growth in a[...]