Fireplace Season Begins — Are You Prepared?

Chilly evenings call for cozy fires. It’s just that simple. Is your fireplace in good working order? Do you have a supply of seasoned firewood in place? This is a good time to consider installing a gas or wood-burning insert, as they can help to keep your home toasty and save on other heating costs, as well. Call us for help!

Digging Out

Dear readers,

We have held off sending our regular newsletter until more of us dig our way out. In the mean time here is a snow man to make you giggle.

I saw this snow man at my NPB branch in Chestnut Hill. Send us your snow man snaps and we will post them too;

Our fabulous newsletter will be going out early next week. Let us know if you want to add anyone to our e newsletter list! And remember we are always looking for great newsletter ideas or questions!