Check out what’s happening with Myers Constructs as well as the latest news and trends in home renovation.
John Stewart Is Immature!
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In the Beginning: The Starting Point for Every Renovation Project
Yesterday, my neighbor asked me about her kitchen. She explained that she hates the one she has, and she was obviously anxious about getting it renovated. But she was completely confused about how to get started or even identify what sort of renovation she wants. She made the mistake that many people do: jumping right into thoughts about cabinets, layouts and other fixtures. I told her what I tell all of our clients — these items are really just a distraction when you are starting to think about your projects. The features come much later during the design phase. At our company, we do dozens of renovation projects every year, so understanding where to start is second nature for our team. But that means that we sometimes forget to put ourselves in the shoes of people like my neighbor. She really needs some information to help her figure[...]
Save Thousands of Dollars By Using One of These!
We get a lot of calls from home owners who have stars in their eyes for solar arrays, geo thermal heat/cooling, or other fancy expensive "green" gadgets. Here is a device that costs around $100 or less that can save you thousands of dollars in energy bills. Better yet, you can buy one at the home center and even install this yourself. These are programable thermostats. A programable thermostat allows you to program various temperature settings into it, so you only use the fuel you need to be comfortable when you need it. The thermostat on the left handles whole house/zone heating and cooling. You can see, its set for 57 degrees. Thats our "away" setting for the house. This thermostat, combined with some new insulation and the low settings when we were sleeping or away from home saved us well over 20% in heating costs last winter.[...]
Myers Constructs to Receive Grand Jury Award in Renovation From The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia
On Wednesday, May 12, Myers Constructs will receive a Grand Jury Award from The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia for a major renovation and repair project at The Fleisher Art Memorial, one of the nation’s first community-based art centers located on Catherine Street in South Philadelphia. Our company will receive this award at the 17th annual Preservation Achievement Awards Luncheon at the Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue. This luncheon is an annual celebration of the individuals, organizations, businesses and projects that exemplify outstanding achievement in the field of historic preservation throughout the region. It represents the largest gathering of preservationists in the region and is always held during the month of May, which is designated as “Preservation Month.” The Fleisher restoration project entailed repairing and replacing 83 wooden windows – most of which were nearly a century old – with the goals of maintaining the historical integrity of the[...]
Trip to Rhinebeck and Learning From The Past
I just returned from a weekend jaunt to Rhinebeck, NY, a charming village located 100 miles north of New York City that was settled by both English and Dutch settlers in the 1600s. Rhinebeck. My visit to this town brought to mind a book I recently read, “Home, a Short History of an Idea,” by Witold Rybczynski. In it, the author explains where our modern ideas about what makes a “home” come from. For all of us who live in or work on old houses, this book is a must read. Rybczynski explains how the Dutch design of the home informed our American way of thinking of the idea of “home.” What do we all think of when we think of home? It’s a place for a family unit. The fact that your home’s shape answers your family’s needs is a Dutch invention. It’s more than just shelter. It’s about[...]
Carpentry At The Car Show!
Over the past weekend I attended the Rhinebeck Car Show. There we saw many cars with beautiful wooden elements. I thought some of our readers would enjoy viewing the great carpentry on view. You'll see a couple of nifty work trucks as well.
Tamara Myers On The Radio
Click on the link to hear Tamara on the radio discussing the new EPA/RRP lead paint regulations, and see how a radio show is made! The hosts are a husband and wife team. It's cute how they smile at each other. My Fix It Up Life
Greening Your Home: Ask the Experts
Today and tomorrow, Tamara and D. Hassen Saker, owner of Organic Home LLC, will be at Bloomingdale’s chatting with eco-conscious shoppers about important strategies for greening their homes and lifestyles. Don’t miss these “Greening Your Home: Ask the Experts” events and your chance to ask questions and receive valuable advice pertaining to your own home. Thursday, April 29th – Bloomingdale’s, Willow Grove Park Mall 2400 West Moreland Park Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 11 am – 2 pm Willow Grove: Cosmetics Dept., Level 1 Friday, April 30th – Bloomingdale’s, The Court at King of Prussia 2 Rt. 202 North 660 West DeKalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 11 am – 2 pm King of Prussia: Housewares, Level 3.
Going Green at Bloomie’s
At month’s end, you can find Tamara and D. Hassen Saker, owner of Organic Home LLC, at Bloomingdale’s chatting with eco-conscious shoppers about important strategies for greening their homes and lifestyles. Don’t miss these “Greening Your Home: Ask the Experts” events and your chance to ask questions and receive valuable advice pertaining to your own home. Thursday, April 29th – Bloomingdale’s, Willow Grove Park Mall 2400 West Moreland Park Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 11 am - 2 pm in the Cosmetics Dept. on Level 1 Friday, April 30th – Bloomingdale’s, The Court at King of Prussia 2 Rt. 202 North 660 West DeKalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 11 am - 2 pm in the Housewares Dept. on Level 3
Energy Rate Caps Expiring: How Prepared Are You?
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to electricity consumption in Pennsylvania. The good news is the rates that electricity suppliers could charge you have been capped since 1996 as part of Pennsylvania’s “Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act.” The bad news is those caps have already expired – or will do so by year’s end – across the state. Those markets that have already become “uncapped” include those served by UGI Utilities Inc., Pike County Light & Power Company, Citizens Electric of Lewisburg, Wellsboro Electric Company, Duquesne Light Company, Pennsylvania Power Company and PPL Electric Utilities Inc. The remainder – areas served by West Penn Power Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Metropolitan Edison Company and PECO – will expire on 12/31/10. In some cases, consumers have found that their rates have gone down after the caps came off, but in the majority of cases, the costs have[...]