Who Wouldn’t Want to Use This?
Whatever happened to water fountains? Look at these beauties! You would feel like royalty using these. I did when I happened upon them at the Parkway Administration Building, a beautiful,[...]
The Proof Is in the Pudding: Design-Build Model Really Makes a Difference
A lot of people are starting to hear the term “design-build” when planning their home renovations. The problem is, they may not understand how this model works or what its[...]
Lace and Chainlink Fence?
On our way to design meetings, Carolyn and I have been driving by this really great piece melding of lace and chainlink over at the Design Center. Here's the full[...]
Installing the Stacking Washer & Dryer
Here are a few photos showing the right way to install a washer and drier in an upper level floor where a leak or overflow can cause serious damage. This[...]
Bad Renovations – A House Tour
Many folks have caught the “house as investment” bug. They might be homeowners, flippers, or investors. Some folks make money at it; many do not. Many readers may not know[...]
Window Expert Tamara Myers Talks Windows…
... over at Mom's Like Me.
Its heater season!
Lucy suggests you check your home's weather tightness. The dogs at our office enjoy their seat next to our office electric heater. We can help you be more comfortable and[...]
Myers Construct, Inc. Interviewed and Featured in Guide to the Main Line.com Newsletter
Recently Russell Mahrt II from GuidetothetheMainLine.com interviewed our company for inclusion in his on line “neighborhood” called “Guide to the Main Line”. Here is his profile of our company in[...]
Exterior Design Details that Work, and Those That Don’t
At Myers Constructs, Inc., we see and work on all kinds of exterior renovation styles. We come in to make repairs or changes after something has worn out or failed.[...]
Domestic Arts and Design-to-Build Construction – A Woman’s Perspective
I have to say, I’ve never understood why people buy residential remodeling projects from people who are not domestic. There are scores of contractors and builders in the business who can[...]