Passive Protection
Here are a few snaps of the small house we stayed in on our recent Florida trip to Amelia Island. You can see these are very efficient, small[...]
Significant Home Ruined by Poor Window Choice?
A couple of years ago, I toured a home that was for sale and built by esteemed architect Louis Kahn. It was a lovely 3-bedroom, 2-bath, very modest-sized gem of[...]
We Toured Post Greens’ Skinny House Project
Last Friday, Tamara and I were invited out by Chuck Weiss, project manager for Post Green, to check out their Skinny House Project. You can learn more about that project[...]
Energy Rate Caps Expiring: How Prepared Are You?
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to electricity consumption in Pennsylvania. The good news is the rates that electricity suppliers could charge you have been capped since[...]
Investing in Energy Upgrades? Spend Your $$ Wisely
We recently caught up with one of our HVAC pros. He's a very nice and knowledgeable guy who works for a large HVAC company, whose name I won't[...]
Its heater season!
Lucy suggests you check your home's weather tightness. The dogs at our office enjoy their seat next to our office electric heater. We can help you be more comfortable and[...]